MSA re-design Distillery Wastewater Plant

MSA Environmental has been working with the world’s top selling Bitters and Rum producer Angostura, located in Trinidad, and helping them re-engineer their wastewater treatment plant to facilitate increased production and meet their treated effluent discharge parameters.

After an initial assessment it was decided that a redesign of the Anaerobic and Aerobic treatment systems was needed and the works are nearing completion.

Further information on this project and some of the challenges faced by the team are explained in the video featuring our Managing Director Jerad O’Pray.

You can watch the full video here.


Graduates join the MSA Team

We are pleased to introduce our two newest team members Alice Wynne & John Edgley.


Alice joined MSA in September 2020 as our Graduate Environmental Scientist

Alice has experience working in conservation management and she has a BSc Biology from the University of Newcastle.

John joined the team in early September 2020 as a Graduate Engineer. John has previous experience in project engineering and has a MEng in Chemical Engineering from the University of Swansea.